9-LAB Kyiv, Ukraine 9-lab.com
9-LAB Kyiv, Ukraine 9-lab.com
Date of foundation 20.03.2012
Jobs done 3
Category Software
Type of ownership Sole Proprietorships
Language En
Industry IT Engineering
Rate Upon request

Malware protection software

The company is engaged in IT engineering providing customers with modern IT solutions for various business processes. Its key activity covers the developing malware remove program which is devoted to providing clients with the following services: - detecting and removing malicious software; - maintenance of customer’s system free of new threats; - detecting and getting rid of viruses, rootkits, unveil hidden infections and malicious registry keys that are concealed deep within a system; - identifying hidden drivers and services loaded during system launching; - ensuring the best scanning speed; It is worth to admit that developed software doesn’t conflict with other antivirus programs.