Cloud Towing Tank (In silico)
Cloud Towing Tank (In silico)
Cloud Towing Tank (In silico) Zagreb, Croatia
Cloud Towing Tank (In silico) Zagreb, Croatia
Date of foundation 25.07.2019
Jobs done 0
Category R & D
Type of ownership Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Language En
Industry Shipbuilding
Rate 200.00

Ship resistance

Ship resistance in calm water can be calculated for any vessel at any speed, including displacement, semi-displacement, planning, hydrofoil and multi-hull vessels. The results are delivered within a few days, which is especially useful for reducing the risk in early design stages when it's easy to make changes. The price refers to a single speed and draft. For the first time clients, we offer a free benchmark for you to get a feeling on how we work and what kind of results we deliver. Commercial references: Scientific references:

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