Scientific development, design, manufactureof systems, equipment and technologies for oil refineries, oil depots and gas stations
The main business of the company is scientific development, design, manufacture, installation and delivery of systems, equipment and technologies on a turnkey basis to minimize losses of oil and oil products from fumes for terminals, refineries, oil depots and gas stations at all stages of the technological chain, systems that allow significantly to improve the technogenic, fire and explosion hazard, sanitary and environmental conditions of facilities while optimizing the economic effect. The list of basic services provided by the company includes: - technical audit of oil and gas facilities: oil refineries, terminal, tank farm, gas pump station, gas station, etc; - assessment of losses of oil and oil products from fumes (refineries, terminals, tank farms, gas stations and gas stations); - feasibility study for construction, reconstruction, repairs; - carrying out engineering surveys; - comprehensive design of oil depots and gas stations, their reconstruction and modernization.