Ukrainian Information Technology Research State Centre
Ukrainian Information Technology Research State Centre
Ukrainian Information Technology Research State Centre Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukrainian Information Technology Research State Centre Kyiv, Ukraine
Date of foundation 20.03.1987
Jobs done 6
Category R & D
Type of ownership State enterprise
Language En
Industry IT Engineering
Rate Upon request

IT Research & Development of Software for the Fields of Economics, Science, Education, and Management

Ukrainian Scientific Centre оf Information Technology Development is considered a state company as well as a research organization that carries out projects and suggests scientific and technical services in a wide range of issues concerning the development and implementation of software components in the fields of economics, science, education, and management. The list of services: - Designing software for customers and partners; - Developing and implementing solutions for the creation and modernization of integrated information management systems for enterprises, organizations, and companies: technical IT audit (“as it is” model,) IT strategies (“as it will be” model,) reengineering of business schemes, developing technical requirements for the selection of basic software solutions, training in project management, creating/upgrading integrated management systems projects; - Certification and testing software and other services.