Individual production of equipment and spare parts and design of factories
The company develops, manufactures and implements new technologies and equipment for grain storage and processing enterprises on a turnkey basis. The range of provided services encompasses the following spheres: - plant design; - technical audit; - reconstruction of plants; - individual production of equipment and spare parts; - design and adjustment of aspiration/ventilation; - control automation; - training; - process control by means of programmable controllers of varying complexity, combining sensors and actuators; - development of recommendations for eliminating nonconformities, deviations from the requirements and standards of the modern production process; - preparation of sound management decisions. Moreover, the company provides with a full range of services in the field of organizing the production of cereals, flour, and cereals - it builds plants for the production of buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, corn, pearl barley, and pea on a turnkey basis.