Financial, logistics, cost-control software development
IT Enterprise company provides a huge range of services and solutions in the field of IT: COSTS AND CONTROLLING - planned cost - operational cost management in production - activity-based costing REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE - equipment information management - accounting and control of the technical condition of the equipment - operational management and organization of maintenance work - calendar and resource planning, budgeting maintenance - analysis of the effectiveness of maintenance - predictive Maintenance 4.0 - maintenance of a new generation PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS - procurement management - management of tenders - WMS warehouse management - supply chain management (SCM) - contract management FINANCE - operational financial management - management of accounts receivable and payable - budget process - electronic payment system - the financial analysis ACCOUNTING - accounting policy of the enterprise - accounting of non-current assets - accounting of cash and cash equivalents - Inventory accounting - financial and settlement operations - accounting of production costs - tax accounting and reporting - reporting - accounting according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) "