Podilyi Design Institute
Podilyi Design Institute
Podilyi Design Institute Vinnytsia, Ukraine ppi.vn.ua
Podilyi Design Institute Vinnytsia, Ukraine ppi.vn.ua
Date of foundation 20.03.2003
Jobs done 3
Category Design
Type of ownership Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Language En
Industry Civil Engineering
Rate Upon request

Integrated Design of New Construction, Reconstruction and Technical re-equipment for Industrial Enterprises

LLC "Podolsk design institute" provides the following services: - integrated design of new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises of all industries; - development of projects for auto service objects, including: service stations, petrol stations, spare parts stores; - design of engineering networks and engineering systems: internal and external water supply and drainage networks, gas supply, heating and ventilation, air conditioning, smoke removal, power supply and electrical equipment, security and fire protection systems; - engineering and survey work: topographic and geodetic surveys; engineering and geological surveys, including field and laboratory studies of soil properties; - development of city planning documentation; - engineering surveys of building structures and the development of methods for their strengthening in the conditions of the existing enterprise; - inspection and certification of buildings and structures; - drilling wells; - performing the functions of a general designer; - architectural supervision of construction; - adaptation of foreign projects in accordance with the state norms of Ukraine; - development of environmental protection projects.