Full-range Industrial Construction Design: Architectural Project Management
The company provides: - organizational and pre-project work at the stage of allotment of a land plot for construction; - drawing up general layouts of the territories and buildings, structures and their complexes; - carrying out engineering and geodetic and engineering and geological surveys; - architectural design; - construction design: industrial, administrative and residential buildings of industrial enterprises, residential buildings and civil structures; - design of engineering structures, buildings and structures for agricultural purposes; - design of engineering networks and systems of engineering support of buildings and structures (sewage, water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply); - design of industrial facilities using modern high-tech equipment of the best domestic and foreign companies; - inspection and certification of construction objects and engineering systems; - reconstruction, overhaul and redevelopment of objects; - development of budget documentation; - Acting as a general developer and contractor; - environmental impact assessment. - development of projects for the reconstruction of treatment facilities.